France – June 2019
A month by the Baie du Mont St Michel, in south west Normandy, far from the D-Day beaches, in a town of 8 houses, and old farms filling the surrounding countryside. Life moves slow here, you can hear yourself think, you can hear yourself breathe, you can feel your pulse, you can feel the pulse of the earth in the wind and the sea and the rocks. Every night after dinner I would go out to a little collection of rocks that stretches out into the baie. Every night I spent an hour watching the sunset, to see a different painting surround me as the sunlight fell away. Every night felt so special, that this view, with the sun setting on this amazingly beautiful bay, was just for me. No one on the earth was experiencing these sights on these days. How lucky I am.
“Tourne toi vers le soleil et l’ombre sera derriere toi”